Our mission is to provide children with life-threatening illnesses and their families with a memorable, joyful, cost-free vacation to the Central Florida attractions, and to enjoy the magic of Give Kids The World Village for as long as there is a need.
Please review the reservation checklist below to get an idea of what needs to be done in order to complete a reservation:
a) Determine eligibility
b) Create wish
c) Determine Wish Participants
d) Interpreter/Nurse/Caregiver
e) Book Flight & Confirm transportation
f) Medical equipment ordered
g) Forms (10 days out)
- WGO forms
- GKTW Release
- Walt Disney World Release
- Supporting documentation – per policies
h) Interests or favorites for the Wish Child
i) Special instructions
We welcome your thoughts and comments. Feel free to contact Laura Gonzalez with any questions at 407.396.1114 or via email at LauraG@gktw.org.