Halloween will be here before you know it and if your kids are looking for a flitterific costume – we’ve got one you can make right at home.
Dress up like the Village’s very own Star Fairy, Stellar!
Just follow the easy steps below and you’ll have your own wand to create magic this Halloween – and all year round.
DIY Stellar’s Magic Wand
Supplies: card stock paper, scissors, glue or tape, wooden dowel (you can also use popsicle sticks or rolled paper for this), crayons, glitter, ribbon, and any other flare you’d like to add
Step 1: Gather the supplies listed above and print out This PDF as a template for your magic wand.

Step 2: Decorate the front of each star with your favorite colors, glitter or fairy dust.

Step 3: Cut out the stars on the dotted lines.

Step 4: Tape or glue star one to your wand base. We used a wooden dowel, but you can also use a paper towel roll or rolled paper.

Step 5: Once star 1 is attached, add some flare by attaching ribbon or yarn to the back of it.

Step 6: Attach star 2 to the blank side of star 1, making sure the points line up.

Step 7: Add a purple dress, fairy wings, and a gold belt to become Stellar.

Now you’re ready to fly away in your magical Halloween costume! We’d love to see photos of your costume creations. Share on social media using #gktwvillage.