Soon after Kristina and her husband Dan moved to Florida, they found a very intriguing flyer. It was advertising a 5K, unlike anything they’d ever heard of … at Give Kids The World Village. They signed up to volunteer and it wasn’t long before they fell in love with the mission.
They filled shifts of all kinds and encouraged friends and family to donate.
“When you come to the Village you always feel happier,” said Kristina. “You meet the nicest and most inspirational people.”
Now, with their 2-year old son Luca, they have made it a family tradition to fundraise and participate in our fun run: Challenge for Hope. They have been part of the race since 2013 and have raised more than $30,000 since then.
Last year, Kristina pushed Luca in his stroller along the course, stopping to enjoy the bubbles and the characters along the way.

“You get such a great taste of the Village,” says Kristina. “It really gives you an overview of what’s here and a glimpse of the fun families experience on their trip.”
Before they ever show up to the starting line, Kristina and Dan raise money for Give Kids The World. They send handwritten letters asking for donations. Because of their dedication, their friends and family always expect the letter in the mail.
Kristina and Dan even involve Luca in the fundraising process – he finger paints thank you cards to their donors!
“Even though he’s still young, I want Luca to learn you can give back,” said Dan.
Challenge for Hope is a great way to gather the family together and to show kids that giving back and helping others can be fun, too!

Want to join Kristina, Dan and Luca at this year’s Challenge for Hope? Sign up today!