Every wish child who visits Give Kids The World Village receives a special golden star to make their very own. And each evening, Stellar the Star Fairy uses her fairy dust to place them in the sky, among the stars of other wish children who have visited the Village.
Recently, Stellar realized the Castle skies were becoming filled to the brim with children’s stars. So, with as much fairy dust as she could muster, she flew to far off galaxies, searching for new spots to place children’s stars.
“I flew all over, searching the farthest corners of the sky,” said Stellar. “I wanted to find the perfect places for children’s stars where they would shine brightly forever and ever.”
And now, thanks to Stellar’s magic, all of those beautiful galaxies – and the shimmering stars placed within them – can be seen from the Village’s brand new Star Observatory!

The concept behind our brand new Star Observatory
For every family who has visited their child’s star, they know there is something magical about seeing it twinkle among so many others. We’re delighted that Stellar has found a way to make room for many more stars – representing the wishes, memories, and courage of the children who visit Give Kids The World Village.