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Ready, Set, Renovate: Give Kids The World Gets New Hospitality Suite

At Give Kids The World Village, we’re always working hard to make sure our families have everything they need during their stay. That’s why we’re excited to announce that our new hospitality suite is open and ready for families to enjoy! With the help of our friends at Orange Lake Resorts and Holiday Inn Club (click for more)

Wish Kid Makenzie Pays it Forward

When most families plan their visit to Give Kids The World Village, they excitedly schedule their weeklong agenda and try their best to pack for Florida’s weather. But for one family, vacation prep involved a bit more. Fifteen-year-old wish kid Makenzie and her family didn’t just want to visit the Village, they wanted to do (click for more)

3 Reasons to Volunteer on your Central Florida Summer Vacation

As school comes to a close for students around the country, excitement builds as families plan their summer vacations. Central Florida – the theme-park capital of the world – sees lots of summer tourists. In fact, Visit Orlando recently announced that Orlando was America’s most visited destination in 2017, welcoming a record-breaking 72 million visitors! (click for more)

10 Royal Princesses of Give Kids The World

Every day, brave princesses grace Give Kids The World Village with their royal presence. With beautiful gowns, tiaras, and no shortage of sparkles, these elegant ladies never fail to dazzle us. Take a look at 10 of the royal highnesses who have visited the Village: (click for more)

A Guest Blog: How Mickey Maniacs Make an Impact

Every day at Give Kids The World Village I get to meet so many dedicated volunteer groups – from college students and religious organizations, to corporations from all over the country. On May 18, we welcomed a wonderful group back to the Village: the Mickey Maniacs! (click for more)

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