By Big Brother Star and Hearts of Reality Participant Britini D’Angelo

My experience at Give Kids the World Village absolutely changed my life, and it’s what inspired me to raise more than $12,000 this year for the organization. In fact, while I was fundraising, I can’t tell you the numerous people that said they stayed at GKTW Village as a child, had a family member who did, or knew of someone who went to GKTW. They would share how magical it was and every memory was positive, moving and amazing!
I feel incredibly blessed to be part of Hearts of Reality. Having the opportunity to compete on my dream show (Big Brother 23) was just that, a dream come true. In saying this, being able to participate in Hearts of Reality as a Reality TV Star is even more rewarding, and I thank my lucky stars every day that I get to be part of this event.
Hearts of Reality is truly one big family full of so many people who want to give back to these kids. I say it all the time, it’s FOR THE KIDS! Every aspect of what we do, our fundraising, dressing up in costumes, it’s all for the kids and their families. Being able to experience the Village, interact with the kids, play games with them, and see them smile made my entire YEAR, and that’s no exaggeration. These children come to GKTW Village to make lasting memories with their families, and being able to be part of those memories is truly an honor.

Hearts of Reality is our opportunity to give back to an organization that has changed the lives of THOUSANDS of children and their families. I’ve always been a firm believer that we should give back the gifts we’ve been given, and I cannot WAIT to return to the Village this December for another incredible event.
Join me and other reality TV stars at Hearts of Reality December 8-10 and help make wishes come true. To purchase tickets, visit