If you’ve visited as a wish family or volunteered at Give Kids The World Village, you probably met families from all over the world. That’s because, since 1990, the Village has welcomed over 15,000 international families from 76 different countries.
Take a look at some of the families who have visited from around the globe and the wish-granting organizations that help make it possible:

One international wish-granting organization we partner with is Children’s Wish Foundation. They send children from all over Canada to experience the magic of Give Kids The World. Together, we’ve created memories for children like Catherine who visited from Children’s Wish Nova Scotia.
#GKTWChat A3 “Magical moment was sending Catherine to #GKTWVillage with multiple pieces of medical equipment and hearing from her dad that his “Daughter learned how to smile” while on their wish trip!” – @ChildrensWishNS #WishesWorkWonders https://t.co/mQhiAhvFbp
— Children’s Wish (@Childrens_wish) June 12, 2019
United Kingdom

In 2017, wish child Timothy and his family visited the Village from the U.K., thanks to Starlight Children’s Foundation. “GKTW left a huge imprint on our hearts,” said wish mom Alison. “We got a worry-free week away from all the medical appointments and all the usual stresses of life.”
Along with Starlight, Rays of Sunshine brings lots of deserving families from the United Kingdom to experience Give Kids The World Village.

For nine years, families have traveled from Israel for a magical week at Give Kids The World. Through Simcha Layeladim and the American Committee for Lehosheet Yad, families arrive in big groups to Give Kids The World. They fill our Fairytale Forest with fun, music, and delicious kosher meals.

Make-A-Wish Ireland also sends many families to Give Kids The World Village. Together, we make magic for kids like James (age 13.) “We are home sweet home after the most incredible week,” said wish mom Vicki. “We can’t remember the last time we had such a carefree time! James was beaming, Tom was beaming and we were both beaming. Not a week we will ever forget. It’s been magical…”
These are just some of the wonderful partners we have from around the world and we are so thankful to work alongside them making memories for children who wish to visit Central Florida. Looking to help send a child to Give Kids The World for a life-changing wish? See our full list of wish-granting partners from all over the world, here.