As charities across the U.S. explore creative ways to persevere during the COVID-19 pandemic, Give Kids The World decided to do what it does best: Give back. In late October, it extended an opportunity for eight new recipients of assistance dogs to enjoy a memorable weeklong stay at the Village.
During their stay, recipients learned how to work with and benefit from an assistance dog expertly trained by professionals at Canine Companions for Independence – a non-profit recognized worldwide that enhances the lives of children, adults and veterans with disabilities through the use of assistance dogs. Daily lectures, practice sessions and outings were complemented by social events and an end-of-the-week graduation ceremony.
“Disability doesn’t disappear during a crisis, and sadly, more than 400 individuals are currently waiting for an assistance dog from Canine Companions for Independence,” said Melinda Sowers, the program director of the Southeast Region of Canine Companions. “We are indebted to Give Kids The World Village for helping us continue our mission by providing us with access to its magical resort at a time when both of our organizations have been so significantly impacted by the global pandemic.”
Since reopening its campus in April, the Southeast Region of Canine Companions has been taking precautions to protect its team members, volunteers and clients by hosting small classes on its campus. The partnership with Give Kids The World enabled the organization to expand its class size and positively impact the lives of more individuals with disabilities. For more information about this outstanding non-profit, visit