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Wish Kid Lyla Laces up Her Running Shoes

At Give Kids The World, you’ll find kids running through the splash pad, running into the arms of a 6-foot tall rabbit, and running off to their exciting days in the theme parks. But for one wish child, running required courage and determination. In 2013, wish kid Lyla visited Give Kids The World. Because she (click for more)

Wish Family Joins Volunteers to Beautify the Village

Saturday mornings can be quiet at the Village, as wish families prepare for the day’s adventures and head off for the theme parks. But not last Saturday. On August 18, the Village was bustling with more than 1,100 volunteers from the Worker’s Compensation Institute (WCI), who arrived ready to beautify the Village. For one father-daughter (click for more)

Alumni Family Gets the Star Treatment

In 2007, when wish kid Valerie was granted a wish trip, her parents, doctors, and wish-granting organization – Dreams Come True of Jacksonville – hurried to make arrangements. Given Valerie’s condition back then, no one knew how much time they had to work with. Soon, 3-year-old Valerie and her family were whisked away to Give (click for more)

6 Ways GKTW Alumni Families Can Keep the Magic Going

When families leave Give Kids The World Village, they hold a place in our hearts forever. We know some of our Alumni Families return to a hectic home life, so we want to help them take a bit of Village magic with them. If your family has visited Give Kids The World, here are six (click for more)

Never Stop Giving, Never Stop Believing: A Wish Sibling’s Story

Editor’s Note: In December 2015, Zane Wagner and his family came to Give Kids The World Village for his sister Zoe’s wish trip. They recently returned to the Village and relived some of their magical memories. Today, Zane shares about his family’s experience. When my sister Zoe was 12 years old, my family got some (click for more)

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