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Wish Kid Makenzie Pays it Forward

When most families plan their visit to Give Kids The World Village, they excitedly schedule their weeklong agenda and try their best to pack for Florida’s weather. But for one family, vacation prep involved a bit more. Fifteen-year-old wish kid Makenzie and her family didn’t just want to visit the Village, they wanted to do (click for more)

10 Royal Princesses of Give Kids The World

Every day, brave princesses grace Give Kids The World Village with their royal presence. With beautiful gowns, tiaras, and no shortage of sparkles, these elegant ladies never fail to dazzle us. Take a look at 10 of the royal highnesses who have visited the Village: (click for more)

Lake’s Star Starts a New Galaxy: One Wish Mom’s Story

Lake’s wish trip gave us family time and the chance to focus on her, which is not always easy in our big family. She wanted to see super heroes, ride rides, see all of the characters, and have fun! Lake knew that through all of her medical hardships that this was about celebrating her journey and her life. (click for more)

Unicorn Wishes at Give Kids The World

One evening, a little extra magic galloped down The Avenue at Give Kids The World. Spirit the Unicorn made his way to the Village to meet a very special wish child named Belle! It was love at first sight when 7-year-old Belle laid eyes on Spirit. “I told you they were real,” she told her (click for more)

A Very Village Birthday

At Give Kids The World, we never miss an opportunity to celebrate birthdays. Whether it’s Mayor Clayton’s party on Tuesday nights or the birthdays of wish children and their siblings, we’re all about surprises, gifts, and fun! Back at home in Bellville, Ohio, wish kid Jonah received a very special 14th birthday celebration. His parents (click for more)

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