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GKTW Garden Club Keeps the Village Blooming

Nestled between Julie’s Safari Theatre and Twinkle Hope’s Rockin’ Spa, Give Kids the World Village’s garden is home to a koi pond, Mayor Clayton’s house, butterflies, and – thanks to a hardworking group of volunteers – lots of beautiful plants and flowers. Three years ago, the garden was a little more than an overgrown patch (click for more)

5 GKTW Gift Ideas Mom will Love This Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is almost here, so it’s time to find mom the perfect gift! Give Kids The World Village’s Memory Market is filled with lots of great items to choose, from jewelry and apparel to household items. The best part? Your purchase helps give moms of critically ill children priceless time to make memories with (click for more)

Lake’s Star Starts a New Galaxy: One Wish Mom’s Story

Lake’s wish trip gave us family time and the chance to focus on her, which is not always easy in our big family. She wanted to see super heroes, ride rides, see all of the characters, and have fun! Lake knew that through all of her medical hardships that this was about celebrating her journey and her life. (click for more)

GKTW Goes Green for Earth Day – and Every Day!

Every day at Give Kids The World Village, we work hard to create a cleaner, greener environment for our families and for this beautiful planet we call home. Here a few of the initiatives we’ve implemented at the Village to help keep our planet green and beautiful: – We have energy sensors in our villas (click for more)

New Star Observatory Opens More Galaxies for Wish Children’s Stars

Every wish child who visits Give Kids The World Village receives a special golden star to make their very own. And each evening, Stellar the Star Fairy uses her fairy dust to place them in the sky, among the stars of other wish children who have visited the Village. Recently, Stellar realized the Castle skies (click for more)

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