Give Kids The World Village is an 89-acre, nonprofit resort in Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with critical illnesses and their families. If you have any questions that aren’t addressed below, please contact us.
General Information
What is Give Kids The World Village?
Give Kids The World Village is an 89-acre, nonprofit resort in Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with critical illnesses and their families.
Is Give Kids The World Village a national charity?
Give Kids The World Village welcomes families from all 50 states and 77 countries. It is our mission to never turn away a child in need, and we will partner with a wish-granting organization or children’s hospital to help fulfill their wish trip to Central Florida, no matter where they call home. Click here to view our most recent demographics.
Is Give Kids The World Village affiliated with or part of any other organization?
Give Kids The World Village is an independent nonprofit organization. We partner with over 250 referring wish-organizations to fulfill a child's wish to Central Florida. However, we operate independently from these organizations and our corporate partners. All Give Kids The World personnel are based at the Village in Kissimmee, Florida. There is only one Give Kids The World Village in the world. Give Kids The World is a registered nonprofit in all states where required.
Who We Serve
How many children with critical illnesses wish to visit Central Florida attractions and theme parks?
Each year 27,000 children are diagnosed with a critical illness. We know that nearly half of those children wish to visit a Central Florida attraction or theme park. For the wish-granting organization that serve these children, fulfilling a wish is only a telephone call away. To date, Give Kids The World has welcomed more than 200,000 children and their families to the Village for their dream wish vacation.
How are children selected to visit Give Kids The World Village?
Give Kids The World Village is for children between the ages of 3 and 18, who have been diagnosed by a licensed doctor with a critical illness. Children are sponsored in their local communities by one of over 250 wish-granting organizations and children's hospitals that partner with Give Kids The World to grant these children their special wish vacation to Central Florida. If the child expresses the wish to visit Central Florida, then Give Kids The World Village is contacted and arranges a joyful, weeklong vacation, at no cost to the family. Click here to find a wish-granting organization near you.
If I know of a child who has been diagnosed with a critical illness, can I send them to the Village?
Give Kids The World is not a wish-granting organization. If you know a child who has a critical illness, contact your local wish-granting organization.
Once the foundation has contacted the family, the child has the opportunity to express his or her wish. If the child expresses the wish to visit Central Florida, then Give Kids The World Village is contacted and arranges a joyful, weeklong vacation, at no cost to the family. Click here to find a wish-granting organization near you.
How to Help
I believe in the mission of Give Kids The World Village. How can I help?
Where does the support for Give Kids The World Village come from?
Give Kids The World finances its work through individual contributions, corporate donations, special event fundraisers and generous in-kind donations, including attraction tickets, meals and gifts. However, the organization also must cover cash expenses for the operation of Give Kids The World Village. These expenses are in excess of $12 million annually. This funding is provided through corporate promotions, fundraising events and private donations. Give Kids The World does not solicit contributions over the phone or door-to-door. Click here to find out how to help.
I work/volunteer for a wish-granting organization, and we would like to begin to send children to Give Kids The World Village. What do we need to do to become a partnering organization?
If your wish-granting organization is interested in partnering with Give Kids The World Village, please complete and submit the form found here.
How much of my donation goes to Give Kids The World Village programs?
Give Kids The World is committed to fiscal responsibility in stewarding the resources provided to us in fulfilling our mission. Of each dollar spent in the fiscal year 2020, approximately 90 cents went directly to our program mission of providing a cost-free magical vacation for our special children and their families. Very few charitable organizations reach and sustain this level of administrative and fundraising efficiency.
Is my financial contribution tax-deductible?
Yes. Give Kids The World is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. As such, financial contributions may be deductible for federal income tax purposes. Please consult with your financial advisor to determine the extent of your tax benefit.