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A Letter to the Village: Kaitlyn’s Wish Come True

As hard as it is to believe, we have already been home from Kaitlyn’s wish trip for two months now. Yet the memories we made while at the amazing place that is Give Kids The World Village are still so fresh in our minds.  We can never thank you all enough for the kindness, love, (click for more)

Celebrating at Give Kids The World: One Alumni Family’s Story

Give Kids The World is all about celebrations. Celebrating holidays and birthdays every single week, celebrating brave wish kids, and celebrating the joys in life. For one Alumni Family, a Welcome Back Visit was the perfect way to celebrate an important medical milestone for wish kid Malik! Malik came as a little boy in 2004, (click for more)

A Welcome Back Trip to Remember

Does anyone actually enjoy packing to move? For wish mom Marie, cleaning house uncovered some magical memories from her son Kory’s wish trip to Give Kids The World in 2004. She discovered heartwarming photographs and souvenirs which caused memories from their trip to come flooding back. That’s when she and her family decided it was (click for more)

Meet Kelly: The Name Behind our New Sunny Swing

Throughout Give Kids The World Village, you’ll find venues, streets, and exciting attractions named after wish kids who have visited. And, our newest ride is no different! On Valentine’s Day, we unveiled Kelly’s Sunny Swing, our new nine-person swing. The wheelchair-accessible ride is named after a child who visited in September 1993. At Give Kids (click for more)

11 Wish Kids Having the Time of Their Lives

Whether wish families are splashing in the pool, eating ice cream for every meal, or exploring all there is to do at Give Kids The World Village – there’s so much fun to be had! Check out these kids enjoying their best week ever: 1. When you’re all ready to hit the theme parks!   (click for more)

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