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A Look Inside the Mardi Gras Trip of A Lifetime

Have you heard? Give Kids The World is offering a chance to win a trip to Mardi Gras 2020! Last year, we auctioned off a similar Mardi Gras 2019 experience at our Black & White Gala. The lucky winner was Shirley Schmidt, a Village supporter from Wisconsin. Now find out everything Shirley experienced in New (click for more)

QUIZ: How Well Do You Know The Avenue at Give Kids The World Village?

The Avenue takes you right through the heart of Give Kids The World Village. Whether you’re hurrying to get ice cream, attending one of our nightly parties, or just out for a stroll, this walkway is truly magical place to be. How well do you know The Avenue? Put your knowledge to the test below!

11 Must-Do Experiences at Give Kids The World

Give Kids The World Village is filled to the brim with fun, excitement and magic. If you’re a wish family, you’ve lived it, and if you’re a volunteer or donor, you’ve created it! Regardless, you know that a week at the Village is made up of extraordinary experiences. Too many to list in just one (click for more)

A Welcome Back Trip to Remember

Does anyone actually enjoy packing to move? For wish mom Marie, cleaning house uncovered some magical memories from her son Kory’s wish trip to Give Kids The World in 2004. She discovered heartwarming photographs and souvenirs which caused memories from their trip to come flooding back. That’s when she and her family decided it was (click for more)

5 Ways to Celebrate Founder’s Day

Happy Give Kids The World Founder’s Day! Today, in addition to celebrating 33 years of fulfilling wishes, we are remembering the man who inspired us all. Henri Landwirth, the visionary founder of Give Kids The World, had the ability to inspire others to support this whimsical Village. He once said, “Maybe if your energy, your (click for more)

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