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New Accessible Attraction Swings into Give Kids The World

For 20 years, Zamperla, an Italian-based ride design and manufacturing company, has helped fill the Village with fun attractions by donating JJ’s Express and Lori’s Magical Flight. Now they’re adding another: an exciting nine-person swinging ride! This custom-built attraction was designed to be wheelchair accessible, with 8 standard seats and one wheelchair-accessible space for chairs (click for more)

Read it Here First: Find out What We’re Celebrating

At Give Kids The World, hope is a critically ill child laughing in a splash garden. It’s volunteers carrying breakfast trays for parents who carry the weight of their child’s sickness. And it’s donors finding a place where their money can make a difference. Anyone who’s volunteered, donated, or partnered with the Village knows it (click for more)

Halloween Party Brings Hare-Raising Fun for Wish Families

When children and families come to Give Kids The World Village on Monday nights, their eyes grow wide as they look around at the costumes, candy and decorations.  Our Hare-Raising Halloween Party gives kids and families the chance to celebrate this fun holiday no matter what time of year they visit. For many guests, Halloweens (click for more)

Create Your Own Trick-or-Treat Bag

In just one week, most kids will be transforming into knights and fairies, pirates and princesses. They’ll go door-to-door to gather as much candy as they can carry. But for some of the kids who visit Give Kids The World, our Monday night Hare-raising Halloween Party is their first chance to trick-or-treat due to the (click for more)

Wish Sibling Art Wins the Medal

Six years ago, wish sibling Madzy came to Give Kids The World Village for her sister Anika’s wish trip. They sang in Village Idol, had their nails painted, and made many more memories they carry with them today. For Madzy, the best way to display those memories was through art. And this year, her beautiful (click for more)

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